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Happy Thanksgiving!

Good morning phlock,

A very Happy Thanksgiving day to you all! This time of year we are all reminded of being grateful, thankful and kind. I would like to take a moment and thank you all for all your hard work and volunteer efforts on behalf of all our charities. The 300 pairs of socks donated to operation troop support and boxes of food donations still coming in are an example of how kind and giving you all are. Thanksgiving is a reminder of family and friends gathering and being grateful and kind to one another and everything we have in front of us... Lets make this thanksgiving feeling last the whole year through! Be grateful every day for what we have and what we can do and what kind of person we can be! Lets all say a prayer and be thankful for our troops still overseas, the police and firefighters and nurses and doctors helping us get through this ongoing pandemic and all the support personal and professionals.

Thank you,

I wish you all and your families and friends a very very Happy Thanksgiving.



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