PHCoEM President's Newsletter ~ The Holiday Holler!
Hello all ~
The winter solstice is upon us!
Let’s celebrate the holiday season in peace and kindness.
“We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill
A notable quote that exemplifies this Club.
We have had an extremely successful few months, and have enjoyed
some wonderful social events like riding the rail trails, crafting and
fireside sing-alongs outside. The charities that we help, volunteer our
precious time for, and donate goods are extremely grateful for each and
every one of you. It is true that one person CAN make a difference and
it IS contagious! That great feeling of giving your time and efforts to
help someone in need, walking and cleaning up the beaches we all so enjoy,
and the giving of socks or foods to help Operation Troop Support, and
recently learning of the importance and participating in the laying of
wreaths at the Bourne National Cemetery (true story) …
While we were laying a wreath at a site, a man who none of us knew
asked us if we could join him, say a prayer for his mom, and listen to what
he had to say. We all of course joined him at her site and said a prayer, listened, and all were moved by his words, bringing some of us to tears.
We all gave him a hug and wished him a Merry Christmas. We all shared
with this stranger the kind gesture that this season is all about.
Why can’t we be kind all year? We can! It is a choice we make like
Mr. Churchill said many years ago. We don’t do it for the applause or
notoriety or publicity; we do it because we CAN, because it is the right
thing to do to make a life. I am so proud of all of you. As I heard
many members say after the last event at our social luncheon “I LOVE US!”
So during this season of giving and happiness, please share and spread
your joy and especially your smiles with your communities. Let’s continue
to grow our enthusiasm and our positivity with kindness. Do something
nice for someone you have never met before; give a gift to someone
you don’t know; buy the person behind you in line a coffee, pay it
forward and you will have a better day.
I am extremely proud to be a member of such an outstanding group of kind, giving, generous people for over 20 years. We are Phamily and that extends to all those lives you touch on a daily basis, many of whom you don’t even know.
Thank you,
From the bottom to the top of my heart,
Thank you,
Let’s bring this feeling with us all year long.
K icking
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N ew
D ay
Let’s bring the KIND into every new day!
Merry Christmas and the very best for a happy healthy holiday season.
No matter what or where or who you celebrate with, I hope it’s the best ever!
Always bring a smile to someone’s face.
Proudly with my best wishes to you all,
President, PHCOEM (2020-2022)