Happy Halloween & Prez Update

Happy Halloween everyone. Although the weather is not going to be so nice on Thursday, there still will be plenty of little witches, goblins and ghosts out there so be careful if you are out and about.
I would like to thank everyone who made the Halloween Scavenger Hunt and Big Summah Raffle a huge success. A lot of work goes into putting on an event and I truly appreciate all the folks who can take the time and have the ability to do it.
Update on the 2020 NEPHC Convention side of the house we have several things going on in support of that. This will be the last one as we know it, so the most important thing you can do - is register to attend and support the whole weekend. Here's the link for that: 2020NEPHC-Registration.
If you cannot attend for any reason, second best is to support any of the fundraisers that we have going on, so here we go:
Calendar Raffle for the Club Basket for the 2020 NEPHC Convention. You do not have to be a club member to purchase calendars. The more we sell the more money the club basket will be. Here's the link for that Calendar-Raffle
January 25, 2021 - we will be having a Texas-Hold-Em Poker Tournament - so we wil be looking for players, more info will be out on this from Shawn & Tiffany soon.
Other events coming up - Boys and Girls club Festival of Trees decorating this Saturday 11/2 Feldeisen Compound. Sunday, 12/8 LETR Torch Run fundraiser in Danvers, and Wreaths Across America Sat - Dec 14 Bourne National Cemetery.
Don't forget if you don't know what to give that special someone for Christmas, it can always be a gift membership or a gift convention registration.
Happy Halloween and stay safe.
President PHCoEM (2018-2020)
2020NEPHC Convention Chair