Happy 4th of July

However you decide to celebrate the 4th of July, please ensure to stay safe. The birth of this great nation is truly something worth celebrating. Please keep in your thoughts and prayers all those that helped to keep this country home of the free and the brave.
For all those that are serving home and abroad in the armed forces or the medical, police and fireman fields, I thank you for your service and know that we wouldn't be able to do what we do without you. I hope if you see any of them, that everyone takes a moment to thank them for their service.
July is a busy month. Our newsletter will be coming out soon. We have the Paw Sox Margaritaville fundraising game on Sat July 14th to help support our convention in 2020 so don't forget to get your tickets. And last but not least we have our annual membership club meeting and pool party Sat July 21st, hosted by Shawn & Tiffany Davis in Southbridge. I hope that many of you can attend. To get a count for burgers & dogs, please drop me a quick note of how many and if you are bringing a side dish, appetizer or dessert to share.
Our club is only as good as the folks that attend and participate in all our PHUN adventures. I look forward to seeing you all at one or more of them. If you have an idea for either a charity or social event. Please do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of any of the Bored.
Thank you again for all you do to make this world a better place. Even the smallest thing can be like a ripple in a pond from a stone that branches out to much more.
Happy 4th
President PHCoEM (2018-2020)