Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a safe holiday season. There are a couple things I'd like to remind folks about. You have until this Friday, Jan 6, 2016 to purchase your tickets for the Holiday Hangover Party, so time is of the utmost.
We will be giving away 5 Rapid Fire Raffle tickets to each person who purchased a ticket for the event. For those that don't know what a rapid fire raffle is, anyone can bring a new or slightly used item that they wish to get rid of, maybe a gift you don't need or want or something that has been hanging around and you don't know what to do with it, no junk please. For each item you bring you will also receive another raffle ticket. Then we will start calling numbers and you need to run up and get what you want. We will only announce the number twice (Rapid Fire). We will do this until all the items are gone. It's a lot of fun and Rapid Fire Jane usually wins alot, although she hasn't signed up for the party so there maybe room for others to take her place.
We'll also be having a special deal on some club scarfs that we had made, only for those that attend the party, then the price goes up, so don't miss out on this great opportunity.
Also a friendly reminder that dues are due by Jan 31, 2017, we have several ways to pay for them, PayPal, Check by snail mail, cash and Clover (similar to the square). So don't forget to do it as soon as you can, you don't want to be scrambling in Feb or March when the concert tour announcements come out. You'll also need to be a member in good standing to sign-up for the MOTM in Key West.
There's a lot of phun activities the BOD has planned for the coming year, so don't miss out.
Happy and Prosperous New Year
President PHCoEM (2016-2018)