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Annual Renewal Form

Tomorrow I will be mailing out our PHIP Annual Renewal Form. I just wanted to let everyone know how proud I am of all of us here in PHCoEM.

Since this BOD directors took over on July 1, 2014 there was a total of 144 members on record, as you can see below by the time that we submitted our renewal for 2015 we were up to 218. With this renewal we are up to 220 members, that’s a great accomplishment for a parrot head club, so we must be doing something right.

2014 2015 YoY

# Members 218 220 2 $ Raised $ 13,198.00 $ 12,365.30 $ (832.70)

Volunteer Hours 1,493.5 3,007.5 1514

With the tough economy and additional costs our money raised for charities was down a little, however our volunteer hours doubled. That’s phenomenal in my opinion. You never cease to amaze me with your helpful spirits.

With the implementation of the Parrot Heads Without Borders, I’m sure we could double those volunteer hours again. We are about to launch the new website and it will be easier for everyone to report on events and on their other personal time spent helping so many good causes. Let’s make PHCoEM a club that others look to imitate.

Thanks again from the bottom of my heart and from the BOD for being who you are and making this a wonderful club to be a part of.

See you around at the wonderful events we have planned for 2016.

Sunshine President PHCoEM (2014-2016)


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