President's Letter from Mac!

Good afternoon everyone,
I would like to thank you for all your support to this wonderful group over the years. As the new president elect, i will introduce you to the rest of the BOD by name here. Please visit our website or say hello to them on our fb page and welcome them aboard! They are here for you! Marcia Bixby has taken over the vice president’s role; Deb Courteau has taken over as web mistress; Jean Duffill is our new membership director; Liz McCarthy remains our secretary; and Kim Stevens remains our treasurer. The Parrot Head Club of Eastern Massachusetts has had quite an impact on our communities during its 26 years in existence. Our founding fathers started with Special Olympics all those years ago, and just this past weekend i was honored to share in the judging of their bocce tournament for the athletes. We have had to overcome a lot, especially this year( one in which many of us would like to forget! ) , and have had to make adjustments in our charity and social calendars to reflect the current times. We will continue with our cherished history with some if these charities, and also take on new roles within them. We will be looking to our members for suggestions for new ideas as we move forward. The food for veterans program a classic example of that. We were able to socially distant pack up food boxes during the week , and on Saturdays directly deposit those boxes into veterans vehicles! They were so appreciative of our efforts and it was a tremendous feeling to be able to help those who fought for the freedoms we so enjoy today! So thank you to all the members that were able to come ,be socially distant, and help out. We will continue doing what we can to make our communities a better place to live. A little kindness goes a long way! Please in this age of social media and disturbing unrest, be nice and make someone smile today! Think before you speak and taste your words before speaking them! I constantly find myself reminding my students of this every day. Thank you to all the members that sent in suggestions for our by-law amendments and clarifications. They were voted on and unanimously approved by our BOD, and have been posted to our website. They will continue to be periodically reviewed , just like any other business or club rules are at any level, and updated to the current culture in our society. They have been formulated by members to help make this club a pleasant experience for all involved. Please if you have any questions reach out to the BOD for answers. We are here for you. Remember we are all volunteers here. Thank you for your continued support! I hope you all have a wonderful day Thank you for your time Remember to make somebody smile today!
President PHCoEM (2020-2022)