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Happy New Year

I'd like to wish you and your families a very safe, healthy and Happy New Year. If you are traveling please be careful and aware of those around you. If you are staying home, enjoy the quiet time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the New Year and what it will bring.

I have been doing a lot of reflecting over this holiday season. In doing so I have come to the decision that after 6 years of steering this wonderful ship that we call PHCoEM, I have decided not to run for re-election in April. It is time for me to step aside and let someone else take the helm.

I have made many great friends through this club and have been introduced to some great charities while making some wonderful memories. So have no fear I will be around when I can and will continue to chair the Festival of Trees for the Springfield Boys and Girls club along with attending other events when I can, but I will also be spending more time with my grandchildren and other family members.

If anyone is interested in running for President in April and would like to know more about the position, you can read in the By-Laws what the president is responsible for and arrange some time with me to review what I have done.

Until our ships pass one another, take care of yourselves and remember to help where and when you can. Let's leave this world a better place than we found it.

Phins Up


President PHCoEM (2018-2020)

2020NEPHC Convention Chair

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Members agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CLUB HARMLESS from any and all claims, actions, suits, demands, costs, expenses, damages and liability (including attorney fees) brought as a result of my involvement at the Club and to

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