Elections 2018

Well it's that fine time of year again where the club holds elections. The following is from our BY-LAWS.
All nominees must be a Parrot Head Club of Eastern Massachusetts Inc. member in good standing for one year from the nomination deadline and active with a minimum of six Parrot Points.
Nominees shall submit to the BOD their intention to run for office, the office in which they are interested, and biography too support their nomination not later than 1 May.
In the event of a vacancy, with the exception of the position of President, due to resignation, removal or lack of candidates, the BOD will select an interim director to serve remainder of the term. Special elections are not provided for in these by-laws.
In the event of a vacancy in the position of President due to resignation, removal or lack of candidates the Vice-President shall fulfill the entire remainder of the President’s term. The Vice-President’s vacancy will then be filled in accordance with these by-laws governing BOD vacancies.
Vacancies may only be filled by those members eligible to become candidates under these bylaws.
There will be no write in candidates
The positions for this year that will serve for the next 2 years are President, Secretary and Community & Environmental Affairs.
Please send your intentions to run for any of these positions to elections@phcoem.com along with a bio of yourself by May 1, 2018. The term will be starting Sept 1, 2018 and go through August 31, 2020.
Good luck to anyone who is running.