Prez Update

As we look on a new year and a new chapter in the book of PHCoEM, I'd like to take this opportunity to THANK all of you for the awesome job that you all did in 2017. As you know we have to do a yearly renewal to our parent club PHIP and we have to do several things to keep our charter going, one is to send in a report by Jan 31st that shows our membership, BoD, accomplishments for the year and we have to send in a check that is a total of $1.00 for each member on record. So when I did this year's annual report the numbers show what you have all accomplished in 2017. So make sure to thank your fellow parrothead when you see them for a job well done.
Here's the Year over Year numbers.
2017 - 204 Members, $10,599.56 raised for charities, 1,922.5 Volunteer Hours
2016 - 208 Members, $6,451.67 raised for charities, 1,921.5 Volunteer hours
We also need to keep an up-to-date website, publish an annual newsletter (we do once a quarter) and hold a membership meeting which we normally do as part of the annual membership pool party in the June-July-Aug time frame.
We have several events coming up and I'm hoping to see many of your smiling faces at one or more of them. Please make sure to view our events page and calendars to keep abreast of what's happening because things are always changing.
You will be receiving individual emails from me during the month of Feb, so please keep an eye out for them. We need to ensure our records are up-to-date and that any corrections to our information gets done.
With our hosting of the 2020 NEPHC convention coming up, there will be several planning meetings and exciting things happening in preparation for the 2019 NEPHC Convention which is when we need to be ready by. We have the hotel booked and the dates set, so let the PHUN begin.
Thank you again for all you do to make this an AWESOME club.
President PHCoEM (2016-2018)