Election Time
April is upon us and just like having to ensure your taxes are submitted, so it is time for PHCoEM elections to happen.
Election process opens on April 1 and all interested need to send into elections@phcoem.com your intentions to run by May 1. Please include in your email the position you would like to run for and a bio of your skill set.
The positions open are:
If you want to know what the job entails - the descriptions are in our By-Laws and if you want to see what those in the position do - just review our monthly minutes on the membership tab under ABOUT and/or the quarterly Newsletter 3/4 Times tab on www.phcoem.com.
If you have any questions that cannot be answered by reading the By-Laws then please feel free to get in touch with any of the BoD of directors.
This year's election committee consists of the members that are not running for a position
President - Karen (Sunshine) Feldeisen
Secretary - Liz McCarthy
Co-Chair Charity & Enviironmental Affairs - Deb Beauregard & Elena Pouliot.