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Happy Thanksgiving

On behalf of the PHCoEM BOD we would like to wish you and your family a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving. We had our Phriendsgiving Pheast for our BOD meeting this past Wednesday and we have a lot to be thankful for.

But nothing puts it more appropriately than what Mac has to say:

Good day my phellow PHCoEM members. I just wanted to send out a heartfelt thank you to each and every member of this awesome club. With the thanksgiving holiday approaching ( one of my favs ) I wanted to let you know how much you are all appreciated.

There have been a few firsts for me this year none of which I am prouder to be part of. I gave blood for the first time at MOTM with an awesome team of PHCoEM members who were willing to go that extra mile. We owned that one blood red bus down there. We had people laughing and singing and having a great time all while donating blood for a great cause! I have to admit the cowardly lion side of me was making an appearance to start but once I knew the door was closed and there was no turning back my team of awesome PHCoEM phriends were there to help me get through it! We donated as one of only 2 clubs to do it as a team and they were all very grateful for our donating. I have a lasting memory of our giving as a group and it's just awesome the feeling of satisfaction knowing our club potentially saved a lot of lives. I am extremely proud to say I was part of that team and that PHCoEM represented a giving spirit that left many great impressions on all those we touched down at MOTM this year.

I would like to take this opportunity to please invite you to visit our website and check out all the great things we have going on. We have a new merchandise opportunity coming out for the holidays. Please check out our Phriends of PHCoEM page for more gift giving ideas.

Take a moment to Look at our calendar for events coming up there is plenty of phun stuff planned. Simply sign in with your email address you provided us for membership and Look at the members section only.

Check out our newsletter the BOD has been working hard to make it the very best. Your membership matters to us all so please make it worth your while and check out all this club has to offer and what it stands for and understand that you all are making a difference in your communities!

We appreciate your efforts in making this club awesome. I couldn't be prouder to say I am a member of such a great group of people. Thank you for all you do! I hope you all have a great turkey day and enjoy spending the time with Phamily and Phriends and making lasting memories.

Sincerely giving thanks to you all!

Captain Mac Sparrow

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