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Fall is Here - Update from the Prez

Wow can you believe Fall is here already. What a great year so far and we still have so many wonderful things happening.

If you haven't already - please go out and read the Newsletter, that thanks to Lizzy gets out every quarter. The board members work hard to keep you informed on events that have happened and events that are coming up. We also have submissions from our membership and anyone wishing to add some kind of article or recipe, please don't forget to send it in by the 15th of the last month of the quarter (March, June, Sept, Dec) to ensure it makes that quarter's newsletter.

There are some events that I would like to make sure you are aware of Parrot Head Without Borders fundraiser dinner on Friday Oct 14, 2016, this is for one of our own members, Suzanne Gibree's great neice's father who is dieing of cancer. Feeding SOMA athletes, coaches, volunteers and families on Saturday Oct 15, 2016 down the Cape with a lunch afterwards at Kool Kone. There will be a phlash flocking afterwards at the Pembroke Country Club for a comedy night and fundraiser for a special someone with brain cancer - tickets are $25. The Texas RoadHouse Gift Card sales going on now until the Halloween Party. Great stocking stuffers and gift ideas for those that have everything plus it helps us out at the same time. Saturday Oct 22, 2016 we'll be helping our own Operation Troop Support put those packages together for our service men and women in the morning, then come have some fun at the Halloween Party. The next day Sunday Oct 23, 2016 - don't forget to join us at Xfinity Center for the Autism Walk. It's a fun filled weekend for sure. Hope to see your smiling faces at one of these special events.

November 12, 2016 - The Boys and Girls Club Festival of Trees - the theme this year "A Pirate's Life for Me." It's a lot of fun getting together to be creative and help with the largest fundraiser they have for the year. This will be our 7th year of entering a tree into this worthy cause.

With all the craziness in this world and all the people who are less fortunate than us, I get a loving feeling inside that keeps me warm through the cool nights when I think of our club and what we do for others. You always make me proud to say I am a Parrot Head of Eastern Mass.

Thank you all for being so giving and unselfish.

Lastly wishing you a safe, happy and scary Halloween.


President PHCoEM (2016-2018)

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