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President Update

I hope that everyone took a few moments yesterday to remember all the lives lost on 9/11 and deaths that resulted due to that devastation following the event. It is a day that our generation will certainly never forget and the next generations will learn about in History class.

So to those that put their life on the line everyday whether fireman, policeman, medical personnel or concerned citizen - I personally thank you for trying to leave this world a better place.

There were several Phlash Phlockings this past weekend, Frid and Sat nights at the Sandbar Mayer-Kirby-Mayer show, the BAHAs at Plainridge Casino Sat Night and Changes in Latitudes Sat night out in the Worcester area. I hope all of those that participated had a great time.

I wanted to give you all a quick update regarding upcoming events and give you some highlights of the Club Leader's Meeting (the full minutes will be posted soon under our membership only section on our website).

All these club leaders and our NE Region Communicators work hard to give you the opportunity to enjoy so many things by communicating events and other special information to you. So if you see any of these folks around at events, please don't forget to thank them for all their hard work.

With that being said, some things you should be aware of as a result of the meeting:

1) Conventions don't forget to register for NEPHC - March 2017 - awesome stuff happening.

a) Ours will be coming up in 2020 so look to your email regarding info coming soon.

2) MOTM - Nov 2016

a) Northeast region T-Shirts will be for sale for anyone wishing to purchase one for MOTM.

b) There will be the normal TT social at the Smolk'in Tuna - hosted by OSPHC

- with entertainment Todd Trusty +.others

c) Sat morning meeting (11/5/2016) at the Casa - please attend, good information from it.

3) Imitation is the best form of flattery - we have an AWESOME club.

a) Nautical Whalers - adopted our Parrot Heads Without Borders

b) PHCoME and Parrot Head Club of Eastern NY- adopted our Ambassador program

c) Membership Gift Certificates - couple clubs thinking of implementing.

d) Inquiries from other clubs on our website re-design.

Upcoming PHCoEM events more could be added - but these are definites;

1) Sat - Sept 17, - Beach Clean-up in Plymouth with Brewery/Winery tours afterwards

a) All are invited, beach clean-up is keet friendly - not so much the tours.

2) Sat - Sept 24 - Diabetes Walk - Worcester - Brew City lunch afterwards

a) All are invited, Keet friendly for all of it.

3) Sun - Sept 25 - Alzheimer's Walk - Worcester - Co-Club event - Scarecrow Set-up Sturbridge

a) All are invited, Keet friendly for all of it.

4) Sat - Oct 15 - SOMA - Sr Games - Barnstable High School - Kool Kone afterwards

a) All are invited, Keet friendly for all of it.

5) Sat - Oct 22 - Halloween Party Disney Villians and Heros- Marlboro -

a) Hotel Rooms reserved - Holiday Inn Marlboro - under Parrot Head Club of E Mass

6) Sun - Oct 23 - Autism Speaks Walk - Great Woods - lunch somewhere afterwards

7) Sat - Nov 12 - Springfield Boys & Girls Club Festival of Trees - Northbridge - Co-Club event

a) Christmas tree theme "A Pirate's Life for Me" - looking for ornaments, gifts for under tree

We don't expect everyone to show up at everything - but this gives you a variety of items at a variety of places to be able to go to based on your personal schedule and location.

I hope to see some of your smiling faces at one or more of these events. You are the reason we are so successful as a club because you all have such huge hearts and are willing to give of yourself to help others. It's very humbling to me to see how much Parrot Heads do for others.

Thank you for making this such an AWESOME club to be part of.

Phins Up


President PHCoEM (2016-2018)

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