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2019 Board of Directors Elections

In accordance with our By-Laws, the Election committee which consists of the non-running BOReD members were responsible for the election process.  With that being said, we are informing you that the 2019 Board of Directors Elections for 2019 has resulted in 3 of the 4 positions being uncontested, so incumbents will remain in office and here they are:


Vice-President - Donna "Mac" McCarthy

Social Director - Tiffany Davis

Treasurer - Kim Stevens


The remaining position, Membership Director, there are 2 of our members running for this position.  So we need to put a vote out to the membership. 


Here are the 2 candidates and their BIO information to help you decide whom you would like to vote for.  


Shawn Davis:  As a member of PHCOEM for about 5 years it has become a large part of my life and I have grown to see the members as extended family. I would like to help the club flourish into the future and if elected I will focus on membership recruitment and retention. I have some ideas for ways to recruit some “new blood” into our Phlock, and look forward to working with other Bored members to help keep PHCOEM the great organization that it is.



Jim Kenney:  I have been an active member of the Parrot Head Club of Eastern Massachusetts since 1999, and a Jimmy Buffett fan since 1984. I am currently the Club Ambassador for the South of Boston meeting in Taunton.


Please only vote once per member in good standing (meaning your dues are paid for 2019 and you are a member 18 years of age or older).  The voting is open until May 31, 2019 and we will announce the full board after votes are tallied.


Thanks in advance for participating in this very important process.


The Election Committee

President:  Karen "Sunshine" Feldeisen

Charity & Environmental Affairs:  Co-Chairs Deb Beauregard and Elena Pouliot

Secretary:  Liz "L12" McCarthy


Here's the voting form, it is anonymous. 

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